Bringing Back the Old with the New! Unreleased Emazing Glovesets?!
February 20, 2019
Bringing Back the Old with the New! Unreleased Emazing Glovesets?!
February 20, 2019

Whenever I am approached at events, the most common thing I hear is,

“I used to watch your gloving tutorials when I started. You taught me so much!”

I wanted to revisit my roots of making tutorials but do it with a new and modern spin. Instead of teaching these really long form videos that only gave a foundation of a concept I wanted to actually teach specific moves that people could use in their shows.

Sometimes the easiest way for people to feel that they are making progress is to learn something relatively quickly. Even if it is just something really small!

My goal with these tutorials is to give people a move that they can learn really quickly and throw into their shows in a matter of minutes.

You can expect an episode to go up every Tuesday on my Youtube Channel! What you can all do after is post your shows using the moves I have given you. I am not asking for credit. I am just so eager to see people put this stuff to use  and see how you can all add your own spin or flair to it.

Below is a link to the the all the Blitz Quick Tutorials I have done thus far! What do you guys want to see next? Drop a comment on my videos and let me know.