Gloving with Dinosaurs: An Inside Look at Lost Lands with Blitzen
October 16, 2018
I Dropped the Ball and I am Sorry
December 11, 2018
Gloving with Dinosaurs: An Inside Look at Lost Lands with Blitzen
October 16, 2018
I Dropped the Ball and I am Sorry
December 11, 2018

Happy Halloween! Medusa and I cooked up our best Halloween video to date. I asked you guys to give us some questions for our “Freddy vs Jason” Lightshow and here the answers.

Q: What was your favorite part of the video?

Medusa: The way my intro was filmed, it made my gloving look a lot better then it actually is… And the opportunity in life to choke Blitzy out wasn’t so bad.

Blitzen: Am I sick for saying the part where I was thrown to the ground? There was no stunt double there for any of you wondering.

Q: What made you (Medusa) want to do a video after two years? 

Medusa: Attention. Actually Blitz and I are crazy for Halloween (and probably the only time we feel alive). We’ve been talking about doing a collaboration together and what better time for spooky season?

Q: Why Freddy & Jason? 

Blitzen: I loved the idea of two bad ass female glovers taking on the role of the most iconic male movie slashers in history!

Q:  What glove sets were you using? 

Medusa: My beautiful Chroma 36’s.  Fun fact: This is my favorite glove set and I’ve never let anyone borrow it (I’m usually a giver ?) These are specially programmed for me by Emazing with certain colors/modes that no one else has and I feel special.

Blitzen: I was using iMorphs & Dops. These are ancient chips that are now very rare. I feel old, haha.

Q: Hardest thing about filming this video? 

Medusa: Putting my nerves and insecurities aside from not gloving for 2 years and get in front of that camera. But I had a lot of support and encouragement from our camera crew so it made things easier. Also, that mask was really hard to film in, I thought I was going to pass out from a heat stroke.

Blitzen: Honestly the hardest part was editing it so it didn’t look cheesy! But I think it came out pretty sick and I am happy about it.

Thanks for reading, all!

If you haven’t watched the video, check it out here: