Stranger Things Lightshow & More!
December 12, 2017
Gloving with Dinosaurs: An Inside Look at Lost Lands with Blitzen
October 16, 2018
Stranger Things Lightshow & More!
December 12, 2017
Gloving with Dinosaurs: An Inside Look at Lost Lands with Blitzen
October 16, 2018

Another EDC come and gone! This was my 8th EDC. I first attended EDC back in 2009 when it was in Los Angeles and wow has it changed. What was originally only a couple of stages has grown to over 12 stages and draws over 200K people. While I miss being able to glove freely in the stands of the Coliseum there is some new charm to wandering the grounds of the Speedway and getting lost in the endless seas of people, lights, art installations and music.

My most memorable moment would have to be gloving during Seven Lion’s set. Without fail if Seven Lions is on the line up I usually will somehow end up at his set. This year he was playing the main stage and went harder than even. I gave so many shows and met so many people and truly felt a sense of relief and expression. While EDC is not the festival it once was, the feeling of gloving during a festival will always remain the same for me. Pure. Bliss. Occasionally it gets old performing for a camera over and over again that we forget why we originally decided to glove.

Thanks again for a beautiful weekend under the Electric Sky! See you all next year! Watch my full video during Seven Lion’s Set —-> here